Studies of the functional state of a computer user, conducted in 1996 at the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, showed that even with short-term work (approximately 45 minutes), significant changes in the hormonal state and specific changes in the brain’s biocurrents occur in the user's body under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor.

Especially vividly and steadily these effects are manifested in women. It was noted that in groups of individuals (in this case this figure was 20%) when working with a PC for less than 1 hour, a negative reaction of the functional state of the body does not appear.

According to some researchers, the electrostatic field of VDT, with a voltage of 15 kV / m at a one-hour exposure, playing on the computer of adolescents enhances the excitatory processes in the central nervous system.

Studies of the general laws of the reaction of the human body to the effects of an EMF monitor are carried out in Ukraine.

The results indicate that among other disorders in the functional state of the body, the most pronounced violations of the hormonal and immune systems. Deviations in the immune status, as well as immunodeficiency and autoimmunity, are fundamental in the discoordination of processes that support homeostasis in the body as a whole.

A survey of 1583 women conducted in Auckland (California, USA) by the Kaiser Medical Center showed that for women who use computer terminals more than 20 hours a week, the risk of miscarriage in early and late stages of pregnancy is 80% higher than for women, that do the same job without display terminals.

According to Swedish scientists, there is a 90% chance that miscarriages are 1.5 times more likely for VDT users and they give birth to 2.5 times more children with congenital malformations than women in other professions.

The New York Occupational Safety and Health Committee believes that pregnant or pregnant women who wish to become pregnant should be transferred to work not related to the use of video terminals.

Of course, the enumeration of these factors is not limited to the adverse effect of EMF in the workplace on the user's health. For this exposure situation, the manifestation of all other biological effects of the electromagnetic field is possible.